Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Servants in Madness

FGO Valentine event's story is just....... The male servants are trying to keep their master away from chocolates made by female servants because those are just not the ordinary chocos (those are filled with magic and shits you don't wanna imagine... and those are 'alive' :'V). While the female servants are testing Mashu's feeling for their master.

Higekuro-ossan calm dow(ry
Then he blown up Higekuro-ossan. That's not right--
How about you blow up your head? Oh wait, it's already destroyed.
You shouldn't say that with such... face and appearance.
I hope there were chocos made by the male servants. Especially from Emiya (///u///)

Immediate friendzoned wry...
You're the dangerous one
Ends up with Fuyuki on fire marathon for Caesar's diet program. Why Emiya why...
You don't say.
Uh............ okay?
That's so nice of you;;;;;;
I think he's the only one who is having fun.
This little girl is the one letting things messed up just because she got bored.
Bad ending to stop this always happy ending girl please!
Gah if only the blue-haired always bad ending kid was there too. 
Jack please there are lots of choco out there.
Why did these two bully Medusa..............
"Nee-samas" tte... Medusa why..................
Just what the heck Kiyohime wants? Make a story?

Stupid plot I don't even care anymore they are mad this game needs to be animated. The main event story was more interesting than Mashu's letter story though. Like, of course duh I pick Gudako (fem MC) because I'm a girl and I like the male servants hoping a story of Gudako giving choco to them... but no, there's no such story. #keepondreaming

I guess there wouldn't be choco from male servants but for now I already got all the chocos (craft essence) from female Sabers since last week~ Working on to get items for leveling and evolving servants now.

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