Sunday, February 21, 2016

Finally I Got the Holy Woman

I did said that I 'm not lucky with Fate/Grand Order gacha before, right?

It was 2 days ago, the last day to collect my internship report to college. After I collected it, I didn't go back home because there are still college tasks to do. When I felt really tired and didn't know what to do with the task, I remembered that day was the last day of Saber Bride as Valentine pick-up servant gacha. I only had 4 quartz left, which means I can only gacha once.

I was so tired and couldn't think then I just like "Okay here we go, come on yome..." and click the 1 time summon. Then the magic effect came out from the magic circle went rainbow colors (usually it's blue), then a golden card, a Ruler card.............................. Holy woman is here.

So I don't need rulers as catalyst to summon Ruler. What I need was running out of maryoku and despair.

Also that Jeanne finally came to me, I managed to get her chocolate~ so I got from the Sabers I own (Lily, Nero, D'eon), Caster (I only took Medea's), Archer (I only took Nobunaga's) and Ruler. These are even only useful for Valentine event lol me collecting chocolates from waifus :V

I'm so happy my servants collection look better, I'm very very so happy argh finally I can use Jeanne by myself.

Biased much on the locked and high leveled servants w
Of course I evolved Jeanne in just one day yas!

And I keep leveling her up while I have the items to evolve her.

Truthfully, Jeanne is truly the ultimate servant (she's Ruler duh) but still her Noble Phantasm is for defense not offense. Despite her ultimate defense is great, she becomes stunned for 1 turn. I'm the type who believe that "Offense is the best defense", so it's kinda... yeah. But well it's well balanced for her stats. 

See when I can get Arthuria (the main one), or am I ran out of luck?

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