Wednesday, July 6, 2016

A MitsuNaru Rant Part 1/3 (Gyakuten Saiban Trilogy)

I tried to play Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) some years ago, but it was when I found GyakuSai Trilogy HD in App Store so I could only play the first and second case, I couldn't buy the whole episodes. Until I found out GyakuSai anime was gonna air starting this April, before it started I decided to play the game properly NDS version. I immediately downloaded Gyakuten Saiban 1-4, and Gyakuten Kenji 1-2 (Miles Investigations).

I regretted it.

Just by the first game, I fell into MitsuNaru (Edgewright) trap HARD. Oh, and my favorite is Mitsurugi (Edgeworth) of course. I always prefer the antagonist than the protagonist. I have too much things to say about him, but it will come along as I will let out my feels of MitsuNaru :"V What I like about this game is, every last cases of each game has MitsuNaru moments of madness that I just couldn't--//////////// Well except the 4th game of course.

Gyakuten Saiban 1 (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
It was actually started from Gyakuten no Tonosaman (Turnabout Samurai) when Mitsurugi began to not thinking about perfect win record. He actually wanted to know the truth. And that's when everything started to be ambigay between him and Naruhodou (Wright).
His pose, that one, was the first pose ever made me so angry. WHY IS HE ACTING CUTE?! Still with the stuck up, prideful attitude though.

Then Gyakuten, Soshite Sayonara (Turnabout Goodbyes) of course. The confirmation of MitsuNaru. I'm weak with couple that has a history. Naruhodou and Mitsurugi were actually childhood friends and the reason Naruhodou became a bengoshi (defense attorney) was to help. For 15 years since Mitsurugi's sudden disappearance, Naruhodou has been sending him letter with no reply until he found out Mitsurugi had became a well-known kenji (prosecutor).

Mayoi-chan (Maya) just has to point that out, then for some reason she acts as if that fact is the biggest secret in the universe and in the next games, she would tell anyone about Naruhodou and Mitsurugi's relationship proudly. Not to mention Naruhodou claimed to be the only person who knows the real Mitsurugi DESPITE THEY WERE ONLY FRIENDS FOR A YEAR THEN THEY WERE SEPARATED FOR 15 YEARS IDK IF IT WASN'T LOVE.

Last episode, Yomigaeru Gyakuten (Rise from the Ashes), another teamwork of MitsuNaru was shown here. Though Mitsurugi was still stuck up as ever, he is more open to Naruhodou here.
Also, the friggin' fact that he has a custom-made chess set with red and blue pieces.

Note that the second dialog is still said by Akane-chan (Ema). The Japanese version about the chess was more hinting on Mitsurugi and Naruhodou's name. Tsurugi refers to knight and Naruhodou's "ho" kanji refers pawn. Less subtle wwwwww

Lots of things happened between Naruhodou and Mitsurugi, but I was too drown in the story, it didn't come to my mind to screenshot them, which is why the screenshot variations I didn't took them by myself.

Gyakuten Saiban 2 (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -Justice for All-)
The ending of the first game was effing shock. Mitsurugi suddenly left a "suicide" message in his office and a year has passed.
Everytime Mayoi-chan brought up Mitsurugi topic, Naruhodou would stop her and told her not to talk nor mention about him. Maybe it happened 2 or 3 times. Poor guy he was so disappointed, it pained him a lot.

Then suddenly the "dead man" showed up. Naruhodou was super upset it's so gay--no, Mitsurugi made it worse :'''''V And still Mitsurugi is being a jerk and didn't apologize. Still tsundere there :V

Eventually the trial went with MitsuNaru teamwork. Mitsurugi actually helped Naruhodou and Naruhodou felt that he could fully trust his childhood friend.

Gyakuten Saiban 3 (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -Trials and Tribulations-)
This is where another ship showed up. KamiChihi (Miego/MiaxDiego), but I'm not gonna let out my feels of them, this post is solely for MitsuNaru. It will be too much if I write about 4 ships at once www

Chihiro-san (Mia) died earlier in the beginning of the game. We knew nothing about her but she still helped Naruhodou via Mayoi-chan's channeling power. Then finally it was revealed that she took Naruhodou as her client when he was in college. Later we knew that Naruhodou at first was in art major, but he left it and moved to law major JUST TO MEET MITSURUGI IN COURT. THAT'S TOTALLY LOVE. Oh btw, 20 yo Mitsurugi :V

In the last case, Kareinaru Gyakuten (Bridge to the Turnabout) Naruhodou fell from 40 meters high, on fire bridge. Yahari who witnessed that called Mitsurugi, who was in America. Mitsurugi immediately chartered a private jet and flew back to Japan, only to find hospitalized Naruhodou caught cold with no injury. Idk it was miracle or stupid. But still Mitsurugi in panic knowing Naruhodou would die afffffffff
Aw shizz. Then he got to be a bengoshi www The fun thing is, since Naruhodou is hospitalized, we got to play as Mitsurugi at this point. He finally felt Naruhodou's suffering as bengoshi, like limited information and he's not used in investigating crime scene by his ownself :V He even got to witness the power of Mayoi-chan's magatama and sees psyche-locks, also he was forced to wear the Kurain miko's hood like Naruhodou did www 

While in court, acting as bengoshi as Naruhodou requested, pretty much he felt how bengoshi most of the time are in despair wwww he wouldn't mock Naruhodou anymore after this. Well sometimes, he still teases Naruhodou and they would argue and flirt each other meh :V

This later by GyakuSai 5, Mitsurugi would asked Naruhodou's help to defend his subordinate, Yuugami (Blackquill) and in GyakuSai 6, it's Naruhodou's turn to act as a prosecutor. They pretty much already felt each other problems and got into some same situations which is making Naruhodou's earlier claim of knowing the real Mitsurugi isn't only one-sided and it's real. Naruhodou and Mitsurugi understand each other more than anyone else understanding them///////////////

Back to GyakuSai 3, next we have Naruhodou back but still with fever and Mitsurugi worrying about him.

Aww that's just nice of you :'3c

But then another shit happened. Earthquake.

I also went panic in instant after the earthquake calmed down. Mitsurugi was outside with nothing for him to hold on or get covered. At the same time, I'm so happy Naruhodou remembered Mitsurugi's phobia despite only once witnessed it. And the way his worried was shown, the screen went dark and a flash of Mitsurugi in weakest state image showed up.

Plus Mei-chan (Franziska) immediately noticed Naruhodou's worried face. This one surprised me that Mei-chan could know that Naruhodou knew about Mitsurugi's earthquake phobia like it was obvious. After this, they immediately went to look for him.

Later after they met Mitsurugi, as expected he was still a bit scared before he left to the crime scene for investigation. Though actually he was just trying to hide his weakness from both Naruhodou and Mei-chan.

Naruhodou went to chase after Mitsurugi and found him being angsty of his unrecovered weakness. He said his nightmare of the DL-6 accident in 15 years has gone thanks to Naruhodou's help except his phobia... that's why he hated his weak side and still trying to put on strong image. And look at that how worried Naruhodou is YEAH WHY DON'T YOU JUST HUG HIM AREN'T YOU GUYS FRIENDS?
Aaaand being the high pride tsundere, Mitsurugi trying to keep Naruhodou away again by using their position as bengoshi and kenji when he wasn't even the kenji for the current case:V Then again they actually investigate and discussing the case together. Gosh they're too cute. 

And finally, the final trial came. Unfortunately, for the sake of the story and KamiChihi (YEA ALL THE PAIN), the prosecutor in charge is Godot-san. Before the trial, Mitsurugi did the self-claiming partner :"V

They're beginning to look like a couple instead of partners here///////// After the trial ended, they met up again. Mitsurugi calmed down Naruhodou who has been worrying about Mayoi-chan's condition. It was showed that Mitsurugi knew well she's stronger than Naruhodou thought. Imo, Mitsurugi sees similarity between him and Mayoi-chan, I think ever since the DL-6 incident.

Later on they had a victory party together with the other guys.

And that's all my feels of MitsuNaru in GyakuSai 1-3. Though I'm sure I missed lots of the details and it will took longer time to write this post if I do www Next I'll write about them again in GyakuSai 4-6, then GyakuKen 1-2. Bhagh 3 posts about 1 ship only.

For now, oyasumi!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Mobage Updates!

It's been 2 months since the last time I posted here wow. Thesis keeps me in stress but I never stop playing my games. Plus in 3 months (I started on late March if I'm not mistaken) I managed to finish 4 games of Gyakuten Saiban (Ace Attorney) and 2 Gyakuten Kenji (Miles Investigations). But my feels and rant can wait after this post.

JoJo SS has updated its game system and one of them is adding 2 more team slots and team naming, so now there are 9 teams. Today I finally set them right.

Another new system from the part 4 feature is the kameyuu stamp exchange with SSR units. LIKE FINALLY! I could get 2 earlier Tenmei unit I haven't get, and I can exchange them as much as I want~ I was targeting for the medals I really want at first, but then I begin to think that it's not that bad to have all SSRs at least 1. No one knows until when the exchangeable SSR medals list will be changed. Though so far are only the SR medals that are changed. I think I'm gonna get all SSRs 1 medal each, then trying to make those Tenmeis +10 because I love him too much.

Last month, the thing I've been waiting (and afraid of most) finally happened. They released Tenmei saigo no emerald splash;;;;;;;;; that should be the ultimate and last medal of Tenmei... and then they did the sin. They made Tenmei only gacha, available only for 1 day. True it was only contains Tenmei, including anime medals, BUT I KNEW IT I WON'T GET ANY SSR MEDALS CRIES. Oh please note that the gacha screenshot isn't mine.

Nothing much changing with my JK team other than I switched Tenmei medal and Joutarou medal got +1. Should level them up properly. It's quite tiring with new event system changed to the gaining bigger points by part 4 quests rather than the old version with brand new quests each events and much bigger points, despite the limited time for the quests to be available.

Meanwhile JC team is now filled with all SSR units. And special feature of Lisa Lisa for the mighty mom's blessing~

For DJ team, actually I have an unexpected luck on getting DIO it's creepy. So if I didn't get DioJona medal, it's literally DIOJona team. THOUGH I still have no SSR Jona at all;;;;;;; After another update, there was the beginner gacha ticket SSR medal exchange which allows player to get 1 SSR medal for free. There was 1 SSR Jonathan and 2 SSR Dio. But there are also 2 SSR DIO, one of them is that great red mantle DIO which is the only DIO I haven't obtained. That was quite a battle in my poor kokoro, to get Jonathan or complete my DIO collection. In the end I chose DIO and I still kinda regret why I didn't take Jonathan but I got DIO so... it's a quite dilemma.
And now for the newest slot, I finally decided it to be the pillar guys team! I even exchanged kameyuu stamp to get that bird Kars. The other pillar medals are luck from gacha////// SSR Whammu was the first SSR I got and he's still my precious baby. Though sadly his CS (command skill) isn't that strong... ah well status wise, he's still the strongest green SSR medal I have. And there's Whammu-Kars combi, now their CS is really strong and it fills skill gauge after you used it. While ACDC is actually pretty strong but the speed isn't that high, his CS is also great too. Really hot #heh I gotta level him up so he could be better and more useful.

KHUx has been releasing more and more voice included medals and BBS characters, also KH 2,8 and so on. I finally got one, that Sora illustration version! Also the latest gacha I got Cloud illustration version and Terra! TERRA FINALLY YES! Though it's not the illustration with voice medal BUT STILL TERRA!

What made me sad is that, AGAIN, I couldn't get event Grimmjow... the first was Valentine version and now early summer in yukata version.... And again, according to the event story, the yukata Grimmjow was fake, Kurotsuchi's doing. ONORE! The Valentine version Grimmjow was in Ichigo's dream. EHE. So does the other guy characters though :'V
JUST LOOK AT HOW GORGEOUS YET WILD HE IS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Meanwhile, I'm not so lucky anymore in FGO, but still I managed to get Kiritsugu (with free Irisviel) from that FATE/ZERO EVENT STORY BY UROBUTCHER LSAKJDFLKSF I WISH I COULD GET ISKANDAR;;;;;;;;;;;;; And the latest event was Journey to the West event, I managed to get Li Shobun yay.
I wanted to share the feels of Iswei/IsII (and Emiya fuufu) but Idk if I still can--that was pretty rough eventhough it was just a short story.

It was fun~ if only I can get Iskandar, everything is gonna be perfect for my team.

Huge Iskandar is huge. So does his horse.

List of sweetness, madness and pain of Fate/Zero event:

2. El-Melloi II was all wise but then he met Waver and Iskandar, he reverted back to his tsundere old self wow.

3. When Iskandar got pissed at El-Melloi II because he kept calling Waver an idiot, it was literally picking a fight with Iskandar AFTER what El-Melloi II told us not to make Rider angry :V

4. Irisviel, as Saber's master, was targeted by Assassin Kiritsugu. He was in the same state like Shirou, became servant because of his incapability to be the ideal hero he wished. Their interaction was awkward (like assassin and the target) but they noticed each other. After they took same side, it was all teases.

5. Because El-Melloi II literally knew what already happened in the 3rd Holy Grail War, Iskandar didn't like his way of fighting. So Iskandar announced war between him and El-Melloi II which shocked El-Melloi II. CURSES THAT FACE WAVER PLZ

6. Iskandar knew El-Melloi II is the adult Waver. He challenged El-Melloi because they both like video games and challenges. El-Melloi II himself was beyond happy that he could be at least on same level as Iskandar, the man he admires since the first time they met. THIS SCENE CRUSHED MY POOR KOKORO AND THE ASHES FLUTTERED. THOSE BLUSH.

7. After the fight ISII EFFING FLIRTING EACH OTHER FCK YOU TWO JUST GET MARRIED;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

8. Iskandar lost but the real enemy was waiting. El-Melloi II was exhausted after the fight with Iskandar. He gave Waver the his power, thus making Waver a servant to finish the battle.

9. After the battle is over, back to Kiritsugu and Iri and their teasing moment;;;;;;;;;;;; GET MARRIED YOU TW--WAIT. You guys did.

Phew... I guess I did it. Just remembering that event is making me wish for another Fate/Zero event in Fate/Grand Order. But that won't be good. It's just the way of Urobutcher's story. Right, next some smile I managed to protect! I haven't ascend Iris though... at least Kiritsugu got Iris in his final card :')

Now I'm tired. I guess my feels of GyakuSai can wait tomorrow w
Have a JoseCae from JoJo SS story mode I just finished today.  THEY ARE HOLDING HANDS NO ONE CAN SAY OTHERWAYS


Do read this before start scrolling if you don't want to be disappointed!

This blog is my personal blog that contains anything that interests me and Japanese stuffs. Mostly it's about the games I've been playing, things that happened IRL and just a random post to let out my feels. I'm so into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, so expect most of my posts are about that or connected with that.