Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year 2016?

*The title has nothing to do with what I'm gonna write.

Idk why I checked on EoH, Tequila Joseph videos.

I laughed too much www Caesar unexpectedly laughed his ass off seeing okama Joseph www I thought he would scold Joseph for being such an idiot wwwww Jolyne was the only one with normal reaction, she even laughs along with her great great grandpa. Pffft.

More complete convos

And it's really scary and dangerous seeing Joseph fighting in that dress and with that makeup. Especially when Caesar got KO'd and he screams Caesar's name. THAT CLOSE UP AND CRYING FACE FJASLFKLGOAWAY

Tequila Joseph/Caesar vs Josuke/Okuyasu

Stomach cramp--

Before Tequila Joseph, I was checking on all EoH DHA videos then I found videos of convo collections of each parts and mixed parts. Part 3 has lots of convos between characters and... damn SC crew convos crushed my poor kokoro...

Hhh... I'm glad EoH ending is happy ending for SC, everyone are alive.

'kay that was totally random. Time to sleep.

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