Tuesday, January 19, 2016


On 14th some sad things happened. At first I watched on TV that there was 6.7-magnitude earthquake hit Hokkaido, not long after that a bomb terror on Sarinah, and then lastly Alan Rickman passed away on age 69, also like David Bowie days before, he died because of cancer.

Professor Snape is my favorite character in Harry Potter from the first time I watched the movie. I always prefer antagonist sides than protagonist. Though Professor Snape isn't actually antagonist, he's anti-hero character. Which is why, after they showed Professor Snape's past until his death, I loved him even more. That kind of character always interest me and usually there must be the reason why they act like that. What makes them changed in the past, and mostly it was a painful past. Just like how Professor Snape was.

Thanks to Professor Snape character, I couldn't unsee him as other character in other films. He was the best and a veeeerrrrry handsome ojiisan////// Everyone, especially Harry Potter fans loved him. RIP Alan Rickman...


Meanwhile, January 14th was also Rukia-sama's birthdaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!! Happy birthday to the Queen, the most gorgeous goddess!!!!

How I missed her... hopefully she'll show up again soon in the manga and goes bankai again ( *w*)

Here's a little doodle I did to celebrate her birthday. I really wanted to draw a better one but too much tasks to do orz It's been a long time since the last time I drew her, so she looks kinda different...

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