Monday, October 19, 2015

Another OTP Dream

This afternoon, I had a dream in my afternoon nap. It's been a while since the last time I had a dream of my OTP. But this time, unexpectedly I had a dream of Touya and Yukito from Card Captor Sakura.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


I got better since yesterday though still there's the headache. And what's a bit worse is that after fever, I caught cold. I thanked Allah SWT it wasn't typhus (again).

Yesterday I was happy I woke up with JoJo EoH story digest video alfjlsjflakjsdlaskjd I'm so gonna buy that game! And last night I found a battle video of Joutarou part 4 x Tenmei vs Josuke x Okuyasu from the EoH tournament opening. I'm still really hyped up with JouKa opening game serifu and team work. Grown up Joutarou, moving around... otonappoi.../////

"Is 'Star Platinum' still alive and healthy?"
"You'll know when you see it, Kakyoin."

That's just not... if I were Joutarou, I'll be like, "That's my line!"

I should calm down and get a shower.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


Since last Sunday, I didn't feel good, until now I got fever. I hope I'll get better soon. My head and body are so hot (because of the fever of course :V) they're killing me orz

See if I can finish my job by Friday.

Nice Nihonjin?

This was actually what happened last week.

Now I'm doing internship in a Japanese-Indonesian online news port which is a part of Japanese newspaper company. It publishes newspaper for Japanese in Indonesia.

From the 2nd or 3rd day I started working, no one cares they put their stuffs on my table. Although I'm not actually bothered with that, I'm just an intern (I'm not even got paid so :V) and still got my working space.

Then suddenly last week, this nice and talkative mu'alaf Nihonjin (who started his internship a month after I came) took the stuffs on my table so I got more space. I didn't expect that would really happen. Only he cared. Maybe because we talked quite a lot...? He whined a lot about his job, which is interviewing people via phone, he didn't like that. Meanwhile, I think he really suits his job because he talks a lot hahah. Anyways of course I was so grateful for his help.

After working, when I was waiting for the lift to go home at the same day, suddenly I saw the other Nihonjin. This one was... actually I got my eyes on. He's quite sweet, cool and fun to talk with. He was about to go to bathroom, but when he saw me before the lift, he came to me and we talked a bit. He asked when my internship will be over and invited me if I still want to come for news reporting with him after my internship is over. Of course I said yes. Another unexpected thing wow. I don't know why would he do that? I'm just an intern after all. I didn't even do the news reporting properly when I went out with him.

I have this bad mind set that, if someone you just knew for a short time being very nice to you and you think your relation with them are still in strangers level (well in this case, they're like my superiors), I think they're into something, planning something bad. Especially when they're foreigners. I mean, I knew some nice foreigners but mostly I found via internet. Some friends I made because we have same hobbies, same animes and ships we like, and so on. Meanwhile, this time I met them IRL. Was I nice enough for them? Or do I look easy to be deceived?

Many super nice characters who smile a lot, were actually yandere or just evil. Maybe it's just because I watched anime or read manga too much that those kind of characters are the kinds I like the most (and they wouldn't die www). Despite all the suspicious things I'm thinking, I was happy those two who I like were being nice to me. That was really the first time ever foreigners being nice to someone like me IRL.

I hope they're really just nice people. They're so different with the others. It can't be helped that I myself don't talk too much and quite shy, so I don't get too friendly with others except when I think we have same commons, I would show them who I am. I don't want to disappoint anyone, I don't want people think I'm not a good person, so I better not to be close with anyone and be no one. Maybe I look like a coward, but so be it. I'm just being careful in relationship with others.

Anyhow, I think I talked too much already lol. I hope it's really just my negative thinking.
Now I'm hungry *go get some chips*

Sunday, October 4, 2015

"K: Return of Kings" Starts!

One reason I watch any anime is because of the seiyuus.
To be exact the priorities are:
1. Seiyuu
2. Genre
3. Art
The story follows after.

This time, despite I have watched K's 1st season and its movie, I'm still in love with JoJo no Kimyouna Bouken which makes K's 2nd season more fun to enjoy. Lots of JoJo seiyuus are in K. There are:
1. Namikawa Daisuke as Shiro (Giorno, ASB)
2. Ono Daisuke as Kurou (Joutarou, ASB-anime-EoH)
3. Sugita Tomokazu as Munakata (Joseph, ASB-anime-EoH)
4. Sawashiro Miyuki as Awashima (Jolyne, ASB-EoH)
5. Hayami Show as Ichigen (Vanilla Ice, Mirai e no Isan-anime-EoH)
6. Okitsu Kazuyuki as Nagare (Jonathan, ASB-anime-EoH)
7. Sakurai Takahiro as Kusanagi (Buccellati, Vento Aureo PS2)
8. Kaji Yuuki as Tatara (Johnny, ASB)
All JoJo's from part 1-7 (minus 4) and Vanilla Ice are in K. Also Rie joins in!

Deep inside I'm still hoping they will change Johnny's seiyuu in EoH, or I would hate him for real.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Watching DOCTORS 2

Sawamura Ikki is like the worst ikemen ossan I've ever fallen to. What makes it even worse is that the first drama with him as Sagara Kousuke, the main character of DOCTORS.

Sagara-sensei, a genius surgeon who smiles a lot but has really bad personality. He is two-faced and would stab people from the back in order to get anything he wants, especially to make the hospital he works at to be the best hospital in Japan. But then in this second season, he started to look even colder and attacking people directly with his sharp words. Though all the reason was because of his dead wife, he couldn't save him so he will do anything so that no one else would die like her.

He is close with one of the nurse Miyabe Sachi who he believes is an ally he could trust. Miyabe does clearly has crush on him but Sagara-sensei only uses her to reach his goal. I just get reeeaaaallllllly envy of her when Sagara-sensei is talking with her and the way he looks at her. I hope he won't develop any romantic feelings towards her nor anyone else.

Meanwhile Moriyama is stressed. Maybe he hit his head with golf stick :V

Friday, October 2, 2015

New Blog

Almost 2 years since the last time I wrote on my old blog and now I couldn't retrieve it.

The time I decided to make blog almost 7 years ago was because blogspot back then was pretty popular. And I thought to start writing everyday. But well... I'm really not into writing and super lazy. But sometimes I just want to tell my story. Most of the times I tweet everything I want because I can do it anytime, but it's limited to 140 characters and I tweeted a lot already, plus the site uses flash so it's pretty heavy sometimes. While with blog I could write much and read old posts because it's organized.

This time I'll start using English, and maybe mixed with Japanese.



Do read this before start scrolling if you don't want to be disappointed!

This blog is my personal blog that contains anything that interests me and Japanese stuffs. Mostly it's about the games I've been playing, things that happened IRL and just a random post to let out my feels. I'm so into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, so expect most of my posts are about that or connected with that.