Friday, October 2, 2015

New Blog

Almost 2 years since the last time I wrote on my old blog and now I couldn't retrieve it.

The time I decided to make blog almost 7 years ago was because blogspot back then was pretty popular. And I thought to start writing everyday. But well... I'm really not into writing and super lazy. But sometimes I just want to tell my story. Most of the times I tweet everything I want because I can do it anytime, but it's limited to 140 characters and I tweeted a lot already, plus the site uses flash so it's pretty heavy sometimes. While with blog I could write much and read old posts because it's organized.

This time I'll start using English, and maybe mixed with Japanese.


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Do read this before start scrolling if you don't want to be disappointed!

This blog is my personal blog that contains anything that interests me and Japanese stuffs. Mostly it's about the games I've been playing, things that happened IRL and just a random post to let out my feels. I'm so into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, so expect most of my posts are about that or connected with that.