Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Protected Smiles

These are the servants I got to ascend until the final stage. I'll be working on it again until I get my account back. Seems I did a wrong thing, I forgot that I already used my retrieval number once and when I tried to use it again it didn't work orz Hopefully they'll retrieve it fast because there's Fate/Zero collab event with Urobutcher in charge for the story fffffffff

Ah finally I managed to get Ko-Gil. If I couldn't get the adult Gil, at least I could get the shota ones. And Ko-Gil doesn't seem to like himself as adult, he was really glad the final ascension didn't make him adult www Oh poor you Gil, even your shota self rejects you :'3c

And the problem now is, what Iskandar will be... he should be ☆5 though. He's my next target (along with KinKen) so I can have my Iskandar/Waver as well~

Monday, April 4, 2016

April Fool Events Attack!

FGO's servant display cards were changed to cute doodles. I wish they just let us keep those cards;;;;;
Best one is the dog pack+ojisan team~
Diarmuid ikemen forever www

Brave Souls title page was invaded by Kon and we can even play around with that big punipuni Kon. There was also April Fool quest with Kon army as enemies, though they didn't attack AT ALL. It was literally fooling around www
Also of course, new month means new bg and bgm for Brave Souls. Beautiful!!!
Rukia is even more gorgeous with sakura trees and petals around her////////////////

Granblue Fantasy let us play Theatrhythm for a day. The story is full voice including Gran and Jeata(?) the male and fem MC. Of course the setting was idols and bands. Gran as their producer www also it was from Vee's point of view. I'd love to have that trio ossan's full manly song wwwwww

I ain't even mad XD though I'm sad the events are over...


Do read this before start scrolling if you don't want to be disappointed!

This blog is my personal blog that contains anything that interests me and Japanese stuffs. Mostly it's about the games I've been playing, things that happened IRL and just a random post to let out my feels. I'm so into JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, so expect most of my posts are about that or connected with that.