These are the servants I got to ascend until the final stage. I'll be working on it again until I get my account back. Seems I did a wrong thing, I forgot that I already used my retrieval number once and when I tried to use it again it didn't work orz Hopefully they'll retrieve it fast because there's Fate/Zero collab event with Urobutcher in charge for the story fffffffff
Ah finally I managed to get Ko-Gil. If I couldn't get the adult Gil, at least I could get the shota ones. And Ko-Gil doesn't seem to like himself as adult, he was really glad the final ascension didn't make him adult www Oh poor you Gil, even your shota self rejects you :'3c
And the problem now is, what Iskandar will be... he should be ☆5 though. He's my next target (along with KinKen) so I can have my Iskandar/Waver as well~